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Spring Plants and Flowers That Can Harm Your Pets: Know the Dangers!

Posted by Tom Shannon on

Spring is a time of renewal and growth, with plants and flowers springing up all around us. While many of these plants are beautiful and harmless, some can be dangerous or even deadly to our furry friends. As pet owners, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to keep our pets safe. Lilies One common spring plant that can be harmful to pets is the lily. While lilies are popular for their beauty and fragrance, they are highly toxic to cats, and even small amounts can cause severe kidney damage. Symptoms of lily toxicity in...

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What Not to Do When Flying with Your Pets: Tips for a Smooth Journey

Posted by Tom Shannon on

Flying with your furry friend can be a great experience, but it can also be challenging. It's important to follow certain guidelines to ensure your pet's safety and comfort during the journey. In this guide, we'll provide you with some tips on what not to do when flying with your pets, so you can have a stress-free and enjoyable trip. Don't Sedate Your Pet Many pet owners think that sedating their pets is a good idea when flying, but this is not always the case. Sedation can actually be harmful to your pet's health, and it can increase the risk...

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True or False: Pet Owners can choose to be buried with their pets

Posted by Tom Shannon on

Losing a pet is a difficult and emotional experience. For many pet owners, their pets are like family members, and the loss can be just as painful. When a pet dies, it's important to take time to grieve and to consider what to do with their remains. One question that often arises is whether a pet's remains can be buried with their owner. The laws regarding pet burial vary from state to state and even from city to city. In some places, it is legal to bury a pet on private property, while in others, it is not allowed. Many...

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Going on Now! AKC National Agility Championship

Posted by Tom Shannon on

The AKC National Agility Championship is an annual event that brings together some of the most talented and skilled dogs and their handlers from around the United States. This event is hosted by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and provides a platform for dogs and their handlers to showcase their agility skills in a competitive environment. The competition features dogs of all sizes and breeds, from the tiny Chihuahua to the massive Great Dane. Each dog competes in a variety of agility courses, including jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and other obstacles. The goal is to complete each course as quickly...

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Yes or No: Is inflation affecting how you provide quality care for your furry friend(s)?

Posted by Tom Shannon on

Inflation is a common economic phenomenon that affects almost all aspects of our lives. From the cost of groceries to housing, inflation has a significant impact on our daily expenses. One area that is often overlooked, but also affected by inflation, is pet ownership. In this blog post, we will discuss how inflation's effects affect pet ownership and what pet owners can do to mitigate its impact. The cost of owning a pet has increased over the years due to inflation. According to the American Pet Products Association (APPA), pet owners spent over $100 billion on their pets in 2020,...

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