Cat Camera
Posted by Tom Shannon on
Do you have a cat that stays busy when you’re gone? Or maybe you’re curious to know if your cat is playing nice with others. Just imagine yourself able to record what your cat sees with a camera! Check out this camera made just for cats from Eyenimal!
Cat Litter Boxes
Posted by Tom Shannon on
We can’t tell you enough how important a litter box is when it comes to making sure your cat can easily get to it and walk out of the box after. You want everything that’s in the box to remain in the box and off your floors. More importantly, you want a litter box that works for YOU. Let’s face it we know who’s cleaning after the 🐈 😊 Check out our litter boxes. We sell plastic pans to cardboard boxes and even ones that use Bluetooth!
Cat Housebreaking
Posted by Tom Shannon on
Cat pee and it’s closest cousin, 💩 are not what you want to have in your house. These two can make it really tough to get rid of. So what better way to get rid of it? Simple Solution has everything you need. If you need an odor and stain remover, you’ll find them in our store!
Cat Grooming
Posted by Tom Shannon on
Do you remember the last time you groomed your cat? We’re guessing that some of you are probably wondering what we’re talking about. Besides, don’t cats groom themselves anyway without any help from their human companion? 🤔 Then again if you own a long-haired cat like Persian, Norwegian Forest or a Himalayan where matting is a problem or perhaps your cat suffers from hairballs, it’s recommended that regular routine grooming can only help. Check out our cat grooming supplies to find the tool that works best for your cat. You’ll be surprised how simple strokes of a brush do wonders...
Cat Furniture
Posted by Tom Shannon on
For some of us, having the right furniture is a matter of style and function. That chair or table has to meet a set of expectations both on a personal level as well as how it fits in our homes. We know just how important form and function matter that we are always looking for ways cats to want to use things we buy for them. If you haven’t checked our cat furniture collection now’s a good time. We have very nice pieces of cat trees, boxes, cradles, and enclosures we think your cat will like.