World Spay Day
Posted by Tom Shannon on
Today is World Spay Day! As a pet owner, spaying or neutering is one of the most important decisions you’ll need to make for your pet. For some, it’s not an easy decision nor should your decision be based solely on other people’s advice either. However, we can all agree that pets have become a part of our daily lives that their health and future make it that much important to know whether to spay or neuter your pet. You might ask, why is it important to spay or neuter your pet? After all, putting your pet to go...
8 Simple Things to Keeping Safe and Healthy Around Pets in the New Year
Posted by Tom Shannon on
When it comes to your health, 2021 is the year to focus on your health and if you have a pet in your home it's important to know that pets can carry diseases that can make you and others sick. Then again, if you're mindful of the basic principles of staying clean and the importance of preventive pet care, these are really easy to do. Without further ado, here are 8 basic, simple things to stay healthy around pets. 1. Always wash your hands. Don't forget your child's hands, too! Our hands are magnets for dirt and germs. If you're...
The Power of Pets
Posted by Tom Shannon on
Nothing compares to the joy of coming home to a loyal companion. The unconditional love of a pet can do more than keep you company. Pets may also decrease stress, improve heart health, and even help children with their emotional and social skills. An estimated 68% of U.S. households have a pet. But who benefits from an animal? And which type of pet brings health benefits? Over the past 10 years, NIH has partnered with the Mars Corporation’s WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition to answer questions like these by funding research studies. Scientists are looking at what the potential physical...
Doggles Harness Dress Review
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COVID-19 and Pets
Posted by Tom Shannon on
If you have pets in your home and worried by the COVID-19 going around, this FAQ by the CDC can provide helpful information on some of the questions or concerns you have about protecting you and your pets during this pandemic. Source: CDC