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Tempe Valley pet sitter loses dog...

Posted by Tom Shannon on

 Lost Dog

Tempe Valley pet sitter loses dog leaving owner heartbroken in search for her pit bull puppy named, Bear. Here's a video of this story from

This story breaks our hearts.

For one, a pet sitter should be someone you trust to take care and watch over your pet when you’re gone. But what happens after is another story.

Sadly, there’s blaming and shaming that goes around when you lose a pet. And, we get hung up on the “what-ifs” and the "woulda, coulda and shoulda" arguments.

There's also no denying that losing a pet is entirely a difficult and emotional situation to get over as we ourselves experienced one when we lost our dog for the very first time this last year.

We blamed each other and ourselves and the feeling of guilt stayed with us the entire time.

Luckily tho, our dog didn't go astray too far and we found him in due time (and very excited to see us, by the way). But during those tense moments, we were devastated. This experience taught us just how it felt to suffer a loss even for just a very short amount of time.

We truly hope that someone finds Bear so the pet sitter who lost Bear and the owner who yearns for his homecoming can bring closure to this unfortunate and heartbreaking story. 


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