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News — Dog Bark Control Collars

How Do You Stop A Dog From Barking At Squirrels?

Posted by Tom Shannon on

Do you get frustrated listening to your dog's constant barking when it sees a squirrel? Yes! Do you know that you can train your dog from the constant barking without feeling too upset about it? Absolutely! Meet Ernie Ernie, who we recently adopted from a rescue agency is one dog who cannot help himself from barking at a squirrel when he sees one. His bark has a loud, howling sound that resonates like a hound dog with wide eyes fixated on that one squirrel perched on the tree. Ernie also never gives up even though the squirrel always wins no matter how...

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Dog Bark Control Collars

Posted by Tom Shannon on

Dogs have an inherent propensity to bark, no matter the age or size. And, that's okay! After all, you wouldn't get a dog if you knew you hate the sound of barking. Or, would you?  Why Bark Collars Are Used As pet owners ourselves, we know what it's like when a dog barks and not just a bark or two but the kind that lasts forever, non-stop. If you have a small child that's sensitive to noise or a neighbor that's called the police, you know there's a barking problem in the house. Or maybe, you just want to have...

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