News — Dog Bark Control Collars
How Do You Stop A Dog From Barking At Squirrels?
Posted by Tom Shannon on
Do you get frustrated listening to your dog's constant barking when it sees a squirrel? Yes! Do you know that you can train your dog from the constant barking without feeling too upset about it? Absolutely! Meet Ernie Ernie, who we recently adopted from a rescue agency is one dog who cannot help himself from barking at a squirrel when he sees one. His bark has a loud, howling sound that resonates like a hound dog with wide eyes fixated on that one squirrel perched on the tree. Ernie also never gives up even though the squirrel always wins no matter how...
Dog Bark Control Collars
Posted by Tom Shannon on
Dogs have an inherent propensity to bark, no matter the age or size. And, that's okay! After all, you wouldn't get a dog if you knew you hate the sound of barking. Or, would you? Why Bark Collars Are Used As pet owners ourselves, we know what it's like when a dog barks and not just a bark or two but the kind that lasts forever, non-stop. If you have a small child that's sensitive to noise or a neighbor that's called the police, you know there's a barking problem in the house. Or maybe, you just want to have...