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Norwegian Buhund: The Norwegian Spitz

Posted by Tom Shannon on

Norwegian Buhund

The Norwegian Buhund belongs to the spitz type breed of dog that is closely related to the Icelandic Sheepdog and Swedish Elkhound. The Buhund also known as the Norsk Buhund by Scandinavians was believed to have traveled with ancient Vikings during the 8th to 11th century in Scandinavia which is now Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

The Norwegian Buhund was used to herd livestock like sheep and seen as a general farm dog that kept watch over the farm animals and hunted wild animals that are much larger than its size like bears and wolves.

Today, Norwegian Buhunds make excellent watch dogs and companions for people who like to remain active, as well as sit and snuggle next to at the end of a hard day. Norwegian Buhunds are naturally loyal, highly energetic, trainable and watchful dogs that are ideal for people who can dedicate time to exercise, training and athletic sports like running, hiking or biking.

Norwegian Buhunds have thick, wheaten coat from pale cream to bright orange or black in color. They require minimal grooming and occasional brushing to maintain its healthy coat.


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