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Newfoundland: Canada's "Gentle Giant"

Posted by Tom Shannon on

Newfoundland: Canada's "Gentle Giant"

The Newfoundland is a large dog that either comes in black, brown, gray, or white. They can weigh from 55 kg (121 lbs) in females to as much as 80 kg or more (176 lbs) in males. In a 2017 Genomic analysis the study revealed that Newfoundland is closely linked to the Irish Water Spaniel and the Labrador Retriever.

The Newfoundland was originally bred as a working dog due to its large and heavy build giving it the advantage when it came to hauling carts, equipment, wood, and fishnets for fishermen in Newfoundland, located in the easternmost province of Canada.

The Newfoundland's massive build may appear threatening to some, but they're well known for their sweet temperament, confident and docile nature what many would call "the Gentle Giant" - features well regarded by many breed standards across continents including the American Kennel Club when it referred to the Newfoundland as a "sweet-dispositioned dog that acts neither dull nor ill-tempered."

The Newfoundland has been known for its water rescue skills dating back to 1815 when an unnamed Newfoundland saved Napoleon Bonaparte when he escaped from exile on the island of Elba to the more recent role as a lifeguard named Bilbo at a Cornwall beach in the UK where he saved a tourist from swimming in the rough seas.

The Newfoundland's good-natured disposition makes a good fit for active families. They require daily exercise to maintain their healthy joints and muscles. They are readily trained and can tackle a variety of agility, tracking, draft, carting, and water or swimming tests due in part to their large bones and muscle mass to take on the challenges both on land and water.

Similar to large breeds with thick coats, Newfoundland's abundant, lush coat requires regular brushing.


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