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Miniature Schnauzer: The Proud and Brave

Posted by Tom Shannon on

Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is a medium-sized with close ties to the Standard Schnauzer from Germany. They were originally bred to catch rodents and assist farmers in watching over the herd and property in the late 1800s. After a successful breeding program in Germany, four Miniature Schnauzers were introduced in the United States in 1924. Later on from 1926 to 1936, 108 more Miniature Schnauzers were imported and one notable champion that rose from that original group was a Miniature Schnauzer named Ch. Dorem Display, born on April 5, 1945, won the breed's first Westminister's Best in Show winner. Ch. Dorem Display success as Best in Show paved the way for his predecessors to win numerous Best in Show awards at the Westminster Dog Show. 

Miniature Schnauzers have long been a favorite breed for their confident and handsome appearance. Contrary to being called "miniature", Miniature Schnauzers are excellent watchdogs who can alert intruders with their barking ability just as well as a larger dog.

Miniature Schnauzers are intelligent, spirited, highly playful, and easily trained. Stanley Coren's 2006 book "The Intelligence of Dogs" ranked the Miniature Schnauzer as 12th out of 140 breeds.

The average pet owner shouldn't worry too much about shedding since Miniature Schnauzers have a double coat - hard and wire-like on the outer and a softer but shorter undercoat layer. However, to maintain their "Schnauzer" proud appearance, they require proper grooming and stripping or clipping. Their colors can range from salt and pepper to black and silver and solid black or white making them highly favorable for anyone with a particular color liking.


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